When you get to my age, work anniverseries are a bit like birthdays - they role through, not really worthy of comment or acknowledgement. In fact, often best ignored.
But this one is different - its a first.
Many will know that, after 40 years in the work force (surely not, you look too young!) my then employer decided the world of short term lending was not for them. Loved the returns, didn't like or understand the risk.
So in April of last year, with much encouragement, Ashwick Business Solutions was born.
Now I'm not saying it hasn't been a bit scary at times. It has. But I've been hugely lucky to have the support and guidance of friends and ex colleagues plus a very understanding wife. Not the first time she's supported me when/if I've wanted to go "all in".
So what have I learnt? Nothing beats experience. Yes, youthful exuberance is great but its no substitute. I took for granted what I know - which is an awful lot that many don't. I also took for granted who I know. And I listen more. Amazing where chance comments or conversations take you.
I am lucky that my contacts have taken me outside the short term lending industry - its an industry that, for all the PR, has had its problems - and will continue to do so. It's over populated by many who think lending is easy - it is. Getting money back? See my comments re experience above. (Lenders - I'm here when you need me).
Despite being busier, the stress levels are a lot less - I work longer hours but manage my life/work balance so much better. The biggest change in me is that I'm now about 35 kilos lighter - and a lot fitter. The gym allows me to switch off and gets me out of the office (my house) on days where meetings go no futher than the laptop screen.
Year 2 - much more of the same plus a couple more avenues to explore - watch this space. Would I go back? Never say never but it would take one hell of an offer!
And the name? A nod to my great grandfather Thomas Ashwick Steadman - a father of 9, including my gran. Lived a life far different to mine.